Data Management

To centralize and interpret the data collected, we maximize the usefulness of our CORTI © software.

Software and Data Management Experts

Thanks to our CORTI © software and our team of management experts, we centralize all the data collected during noise measurements in your work environment, as well as information on the hearing protection used by each worker and the results of past hearing tests. This methodology enables us to organize and interpret this data in an integrated way, facilitating decision-making and improving the results of your hearing conservation program.

Data management

Data management

Expert advice

Expert advice

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Continuous improvement

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Continuous improvement

Recommendations and Expertise

At Bertrand-Johnson Acoustics, we draw on the unrivalled expertise of CORTI © for statistical research, the creation of administrative and medical reports, and to support our experts in forensic investigations. After all, clear, accurate data is the key to the success of any initiatives your company implements to reduce the impact of noise on your workers' hearing health.

Statistical research

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Program management

Medical reports

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Why Work With Us?

Tenue de dossiers simplifiée

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Exploiter la puissance des données

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Prise de décisions éclairées

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Conçu par des experts

CORTI © a été conçu par des experts du milieu pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de la clientèle rencontrée.

Mises à jour

CORTI © est actuellement en évolution. La mise à jour du logiciel à sa nouvelle version est prévue pour lancement en Janvier 2024.

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Why work with us?

These solutions are part of our hearing conservation program.

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